For the past 36 hours now, I've encountered blowing winds and a relentless onslaught of snow - 16+ inches to be exact. As a result, the once barren landscape of North Olmsted has been transformed into an arctic blast bearing excessive snow drifts. To top it all off, the roadways and local routes now resemble parking lots occupied by immobile automobiles as opposed to the normal modes responsible for day-to-day transportation.
In the midst of the wrath and severe pounding incurred by nature's one-track mind, I was overcome by childlike mannerisms to go sledding. I was reminded of a not-so-recent pasttime when I went to move my car and noticed a host of teenagers engaging in a 'King of The Hill' challenge. Feeling like a kid again, I almost asked for acceptance to join their game but realized that it may be a little difficult for them to move my slender 6'2'' 175 lb frame.
What I have missed in my travels to the state of Ohio from those of Minnesota are the days occupied by events such as snowmobiling, sledding, skiing, and my personal favorite - Icefishing! This is difficult to say, but with the big 2-5 just around the corner, the old man was right when he quoted 'Growing up is not easy;' he just forgot to inform me that starting over in another state was just as difficult. I'm looking foward to the Spring season rolling around. Today is the Spring Forward time adjustment...a promising opportunity to finally ditch the artic cold and welcome in the oh-so-common rainshowers of Cleveland and countless hours in the garage.
In closing, when the weather takes a turn for the worse, make the best of your day. I managed to pass the stagnate winter time and found solitude in listening to music and simply 'surfing' the net. Soon my sanitarium will be found outdoors not on a mounds of stacked know, rather, savoring the change of seasons. Until then I will simply dream of fun and sun!
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