Here are the Top Ten Characteristics that I felt best kept employees, clients, and members of executive management at bay:
I. Motivating / Inspirational
II. Assertive
III. Integrity
IV. Personable
V. Encourages Open-Communication
VI. Visionary
VII. Responsible
VIII. Risk-Taker / Analytical
IX. Diplomatic / Political
X. Intelligent (both Book-Smarts and Common Sense)
This naturally brings about my next topic of discussion: What is the difference between an effective Manager and a Leader? I will try and answer that conundrum within the next paragraph but I must first point out the fact that not all managers are good leaders. There are instances wherein a manager is placed into an executive position based upon their experience, or are fortunate enough to have a direct line to individuals (i.e. Next of kin) who are members of executive management, or are simply filling a temporary void for the time being. I will, however, point out the fact that most leaders could make a great manager. Moreover, as mentioned previously, the managers who do not motivate, or empower their employees with one of the 'Top 10 Characteristics' listed above, may crumble in the adversarial ploys that accompany most leadership roles.

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